
Wirydarz Art Gallery

Powstała w Lublinie w 1999 r
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Piotr Zieliński is the founder of Wirydarz Art Gallery and curator of all exhibitions. The Gallery is located in the city’s heart in the Old Town at 19 Grodzka Street in a charming Waksman tenement house. From the very beginning, Wirydarz Art Gallery presents the works of the most outstanding contemporary artists. So far 140 exhibitions have been housed here, it has also realised about 40 open-air exhibitions and artistic displays in various art centres in Poland and abroad. The Gallery has organised more than 30 nationwide outdoor painting workshops and launched over 30 charity auctions. Overall, we have published over 100 thousand catalogues, folders, posters, postcards, calendars and other publications on art.

The Gallery staged exhibitions of Cracow painters from the legendary Wprost Group: Maciej Bieniasz, Zbylut Grzywacz, Leszek Sobocki and Jacek Waltoś. We also displayed works of the Katowice group, Tercet Nadęty: Janusz Szpyt, Leszek Żegalski and Piotr Naliwajko. We presented the works of Jerzy Duda Gracz and Kiejstut Bereźnicki, Adam Myjak, Tadeusz Kantor, Juliusz Joniak, Tadeusz Dominik, Andrzej Fogtt, Edward Dwurnik, Waldemar Marszałek, Jarosław Modzelewski, Józef Panfil and Henryk Waniek.

In 2003 in cooperation with Stanisław Fischer Museum in Bochnia we launched a large exhibition entitled ‘Jacek Malczewski and others’. The event was devoted to the most prominent painters of the Young Poland period. The following artists have also their exhibitions mounted in our Gallery: Ewa and Roman Fleszar, Andrzej Strumiłło, Tadeusz Brzozowski, Andrzej Winiarski and Tadeusz Boruta. We also had the occasion to host big exhibitions of Nikifor and Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz, Kashinath Chauhan – the Indian Nikifor and Marcin Samlicki as well as many other artists, also these young, intriguing and promising ones.

Next to the dominant field of painting, we exhibit various art genres such as: pastel (Stasys Eidrigevicius), photography (Edward Hartwig), graphics (Ryszard Stryjec), set design (Krystyna Zachwatowicz and Andrzej Wajda, anniversary exhibition of Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin), poster (Andrzej Dudziński, Stasys Eidrigevicius), installations (Tomek Kawiak), sculpture (Adam Myjak, Ewa Fleszar).

In order to promote Polish contemporary art – apart from mounting exhibitions – Wirydarz Gallery organizes symposia on art such as the one dedicated to Polish and French contexts in 20th century art held on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Wirydarz Gallery. The Gallery also runs a debating club within current exhibitions and organises meetings with artists. We are also involved in publishing activity.

Wirydarz Art Gallery is widely recognized and appreciated by large numbers of visitors as well as critics. Gallery’s activities receive immense media interest. It is also worth mentioning its educational role – Wirydarz Gallery often hosts various groups of visitors ranging from kindergarten groups to the Third Age University students.
Wirydarz Art Gallery operates thanks to financial support from the sponsors and the funds of the city of Lublin. Our sponsors are: KORN – Jewellery Studio, BNP Paribas S.A., Perła Browary Lubelskie S.A. and Lublin Airport S.A.

In 2005 Wirydarz Art Gallery was named by “Polityka” weekly one of the best private art galleries in Poland.  We run a sales showroom with a number of artworks of leading Polish contemporary artists.
You are cordially invited!

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Piotr Zieliński was born in 1964 in Bochnia. After the graduation from Kazimierz Wielki High School in Bochnia and Drama School in STU Theatre in Cracow, from 1984 to 1990 he studied Polish studies at the Faculty of Arts at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL).

Simultaneously, he commenced his activities in Scena Plastyczna KUL Theatre where for 15 years he has been both theatre’s actor and a manager.

In 1999 he initiates the foundation of Wirydarz Art Gallery which soon becomes his own project. So far he has realized over 140 exhibitions of the most prominent Polish artists, about 45 open-air exhibitions in Poland and abroad. He has organised more than 30 nationwide outdoor painting workshops and launched over 30 charity auctions. Wirydarz Art Gallery ranks among one of the best art showrooms in Poland.

Since 22 June 2001, Honorary Ambassador of the Royal Town of Bochnia. In 2004 he was presented with the Lublin medal by the President of the city of Lublin. In March 2009, awarded by the Minister of National Culture and Heritage with the Honorary Badge for Service to Polish Culture. In 2011, the winner of Bene Meritus Terrae Lublinensi contest, laureate of the Honorary Badge of Merit for Lublin Region as well as Lublin Angelus prize winner. In 2017 honoured to receive the 700th Anniversary Medal of the city of Lublin which was followed by being awarded with the 450th Anniversary Medal of the Polish-Lithuanian Union in 2019.

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[ultimate_spacer height=”180″ height_on_tabs=”120″ height_on_mob=”80″][ultimate_heading heading_type=”customizable” heading_tag=”h4″ heading_content=”O GALERII” main_heading_default_weight=”600″ default_sub_heading=”Rekomendacje i słowa uznania” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”bottom” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#5f5f5f” spacer_margin=”margin-top:25px;” line_width=”100″][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”25″ height_on_tabs=”25″ height_on_mob=”20″][ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ enable_counter=”yes” arrow_color=”#e8e8e8″ arrow_size=”24″ next_icon=”dfd-icon-right_2″ prev_icon=”dfd-icon-left_2″ dots_color=”#e5e5e5″ dots_icon=”dfd-circle-small-dots” slide_to_scroll=”single”]
Galeria Wirydarz została określona jako galeria środka, nawet – złotego środka. Jej program wystawienniczy, który poznajemy po sekwencji ponad stu wystaw, jakie galeria ma w dorobku, służy prezentacji sztuki współczesnej wysokiej próby, za którą stoi głęboki namysł autorski, szczerość intencji, konsekwencja programu estetycznego i warsztatowe mistrzostwo, oraz – co niezwykle ważne - szacunek artysty wobec widza.
Grzegorz Józefczuk
To niewątpliwie fenomen, że Galeria Sztuki „Wirydarz”, galeria bynajmniej nie budżetowa, nie opierająca działalności na dotacjach, osiągnęła taki sukces, stabilną, wysoką pozycję na rynku sztuki i imponujący dorobek wystawienniczy oraz cieszy się współpracą z szerokim gronem różnorodnych artystów. I że tak znacząco wpisuje się w pejzaż Lublina, miasta szczególnego, największego kulturalnego ośrodka przy wschodniej granicy Unii Europejskiej.
Gazeta Wyborcza
Maj 2014
Nie sposób wymienić wszystkich malarzy, grafików, rysowników i fotografików wystawiających w „Wirydarzu”, a chciałoby się o każdym napisać słowo, gdyż dopiero w całości charakteryzują profil lubelskiej galerii. Jest zasługą „Wirydarza”, że prezentuje artystów z bardzo różnych środowisk regionalnych, akademickich i stylistycznych, dzięki czemu niektórych twórców lubelska publiczność może poznać po raz pierwszy. „Wirydarz” wykreował swój krąg artystów, z którymi się identyfikuje, środowisko wielopokoleniowe, twórców z reguły dobrze i wysoko ocenianych.
Grzegorz Józefczuk
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